Inner Healing

Master-Gardening for Your Soul: 
A Series on Inner Healing 
Session 1 - Father Wounds
Recorded Jan 2017

In this 10-week series, we will look at 6 “bad roots” that may have taken up residence in your soul. We’ll look at the “bad fruit” that you may be fighting in your life as a result. As God reveals root issues, Cindy will help lead you into God’s freedom and healing, reclaiming what was stolen from the enemy.

The first “bad root” that Cindy teaches in this session is woundedness … wounds inflicted through people, experiences, circumstances, and even through cultural strongholds. In Session 1, Cindy teaches specifically about father wounds, and the importance of our father’s role, especially during the foundational years of 3 to 5, and the basic emotional needs that we need our fathers to fulfill.

Please know that God does not want us to reject our father. He wants us to love and honor our parents. But He also wants us well!

Note: The final 30 minutes of this session is a time of corporate ministry flowing with Father God’s powerful love and healing!

Master-Gardening for Your Soul: 
A Series on Inner Healing 
Session 2 - Mother Wounds
Recorded Jan 2017

In Session 2 of the Master-Gardening series, Cindy shares specifically about the importance of our mothers’ “storge” love, especially during the foundational years from conception until age 2 ½, and the wounds that may affect us throughout life if that special love is breached. Please know that God does not want us to reject our mother. He wants us to love and honor our parents. But He also wants us well! Note: A time of corporate ministry flowing with Holy Spirit’s powerful love and healing begins 40 minutes into this video session!

Master-Gardening for Your Soul: 
A Series on Inner Healing 
Session 3 - Disempowering Lies!
Recorded Jan 2017

The enemy is a master of deception and the father of lies. Although he has been defeated, he can still exert his influence over us if we do not recognize and resist his deception. In this session, Cindy uncovers 3 kinds of demonic deception: false truths, colored lenses, and crafty suggestions. Then she teaches biblically based strategies to disempower those lies! Now here is some really good news … we are in the midst of a victorious battle! For this reason the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil! (1 John 3b) And now we co-labor with Christ, with authority and power over all of the works of the enemy!

Master-Gardening for Your Soul: 
A Series on Inner Healing 
Session 4 - Condemnation, Unworthiness,
Recorded Jan 2017

This is the second session on the bad root of lies. And this teaching exposes a major lie of the enemy. The word says: Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe in Him as personal Lord and Savior]. (Romans 8:1 AMP) Cindy dispels the lie that you are not worthy of God’s love or His grace. You ARE worthy because ALL your sin has been totally remitted. As a child of God, all sin has been separated from you, and you have been reconciled to God! You have become the righteousness of God in Jesus! (2 Corinthians 5:21) You are worthy! You are accepted! You are loved!

Master-Gardening for Your Soul: 
A Series on Inner Healing 
Session 5 - Condemnation, The Spirit of Fear
Recorded Jan 2017

2 Timothy 1:7 (AMP) says:  For God did not give us a sprit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a sprit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]. The enemy’s goal is to establish strongholds of fear in our lives that hold us captive, rather than standing in the power of faith in God, and receiving His purpose in our lives. In this teaching, Cindy exposes symptoms of the demonic spiritual root of fear, and leads you through prayer of deliverance from the spirit of fear and into the fullness of your sonship with Abba!!!

Master-Gardening for Your Soul: 
A Series on Inner Healing 
Session 6 - The Root of Rejection
Recorded Feb 2017

Do you need the approval, the appreciation, the acceptance of man in order to feel fulfilled? Do you worry about what others think or say about you? Do you “change faces” when with different people or in different settings? Do you feel like you don’t belong? Do you deal with insecurity, inferiority or poor self-image? These are just a few of the symptoms of a deceptive root of rejection. The deception of rejection says that you have no value, and therefore can be discarded or rejected. That is a lie. As a daughter or son of God, you are accepted! You are loved! You are SO valuable to Him! In this session, Cindy leads you into truth that has the potential to set you free from the bondage of rejection, and into the fullness of your redemption in Christ!!!

Master-Gardening for Your Soul:
A Series on Inner Healing 
Session 7 - Entanglements
Recorded Feb 2017

It’s critically important to whom, or to what, you become yoked. Destructive soul entanglements can keep us held hostage and in bondages we don’t even realize we’re trapped in. In this session, Cindy shares God’s plan for healthy soul ties, and uncovers potentially destructive soul ties. Soul ties cloud your vision. Get ready for a “vision transition”, and freedom from destructive entanglements!

Master-Gardening for Your Soul: 
A Series on Inner Healing 
Session 8 - Trauma
Recorded Feb 2017

When Jesus suffered for us and died on the cross, He took upon Himself all the trauma, torture and torment intended for you and me. We do not have to repeatedly re-suffer torment due to trauma we may have experienced in our past! You can choose to NOT ALLOW your past to define your future!

Master-Gardening for Your Soul: 
A Series on Inner Healing 
Session 9 - Occultism 

Recorded March 2017

The word “occult” literally means secret, disclosed, or hidden from view. In this session, we looked at demonic “hidden agendas” that many of us have been deceived into receiving. The GREAT news is that Jesus stripped the enemy of his authority and power, and children of God have been commissioned with Jesus’ authority and power over the enemy. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world! (1 John 4:4)

Master-Gardening for Your Soul: 
A Series on Inner Healing 
Session 10 - Maintaining Your Freedom
Recorded March 2017

It’s not enough to just GET inner healing. We need to know how to KEEP inner healing! In this session Cindy shares the importance of knowing what you carry as a son and daughter of God … You carry Jesus’ authority and power over the deception and wiles of the enemy. If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed! (John 8:36)

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