Believer’s Authority 

The Believer’s Authority OVER the Enemy
Part 1
The Foundation of Truth
Recorded Feb 2022

The enemy, (Satan and the demonic realm) is very real.  The good news is that Jesus destroyed the works of the enemy by stripping him of all authority over those who believe.  Jesus commissioned believers with power and with authority over all the earth, and over the demonic realm.  However, along with this power and authority we’ve been given responsibility.  In this teaching, Cindy lays the foundational biblical truth of the authority that believers carry.

The Believer’s Authority OVER the Enemy
Part 2
It’s Your Choice
Recorded Feb 2022

Living in reaction to the devil is a counterfeit of living in response to the Lord. Romans 12:21 (AMP) says: Do not be overcome and conquered by evil, but overcome evil with good. In this teaching, I share a strategic plan for believers to overcome the enemy and his wiles with good.

The Believer’s Authority OVER the Enemy
Part 3
Thorns and Thistles: Sin Strongholds
Recorded Mar 2022

Thorns and thistles are part of the curse of fallen mankind. But Jesus has redeemed us from the curse! (Galatians 3:13) We have power and authority OVER works of darkness, including strongholds of sin. Galatians 5:16 (TPT) tells us: As you yield freely and fully to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit, you will abandon the cravings of your self-life.

The Believer’s Authority OVER the Enemy
Part 4
Thorns and Thistles: Negative Emotions
Recorded Mar 2022

Selfishness, envy, strife, anger, rage, bitterness, unforgiveness, resentment, fear, depression, anxiety and every negative emotion are satanic strategies seeking human agreement. Satan cannot devour you without your consent and cooperation. In this teaching, Cindy shares what the Bible says about these negative emotions, and how we can stand in the power of the Holy Spirit, and our authority to exercise that power OVER the works of darkness of negative emotions.

The Believer’s Authority OVER the Enemy
Part 5
Thorns and Thistles: Negative Distractions
Recorded Mar 2022

In the midst of a crisis of life, the enemy will try to so occupy your heart through the thorns of distractions that the seed of God’s word is starved of nutrients to produce the fruit of healing and health in your life. The diagnosis, the prognosis, the sickness, the symptoms, the pain, the treatment plan, the time spent figuring out what to do, the decision making, the fear, the anxiety, and even the financial implications—can take over the real estate of your heart, crowding out the message of Jesus the healer and His finished work. In this teaching, Cindy shares practical tips on overcoming the demonic deception of distractions.

The Believer’s Authority OVER the Enemy
Part 6
The Danger of the Occult
Recorded Mar 2022

The word “occult” literally means secret, disclosed, hidden from view … Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light (1 Corinthians 11:14). Cindy uncovers many avenues that the enemy uses to draw you in … including cultish religions, seeking information about your future, health related occult practices, as well as obvious occult activities. In order to enforce the enemy’s defeat, and to advance the kingdom of God, we must be aware of the wiles of the enemy!

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